KISTI Agreement with Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences

أطلقت مؤسسة الكويت للتقدم العلمي (KFAS) شراكةً مع المعهد الكوري لمعلومات العلوم والتكنولوجيا (KISTI) بهدف إثراء مجموعات المهارات للجيل المقبل. يمثل هذا التعاون خطوةً مهمة نحو رعاية ثقافة علمية نابضة بالحياة، وتعزيزِ القدرات الرقمية، ودفعِ تعليم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات (STEM) إلى الأمام.

Initiated two years ago, this partnership began by organizing educational summer trips for high school students from Kuwait. In both years, KISTI trained the Kuwaiti students in advanced artificial intelligence, metaverse, and machine learning applications. The students applied these new skills to develop innovative concepts for environmental solutions. Additionally, the students had the opportunity to tour supercomputing facilities, gaining valuable insights into cutting-edge technologies and their potential applications.

The memorandum, signed at the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences headquarters, was attended by esteemed figures including Dr. Ameenah Farhan, Director General of KFAS, Dr. Jaesoo Kim, President of KISTI, His Excellency the South Korean Ambassador to Kuwait, Chung Byung-ha, and officials from both entities.

At the heart of this collaborative endeavour is the development of initiatives aimed at fostering research collaboration and technology transfer, while also enriching digital competencies among students and young professionals across Kuwait. Specifically, the focus is on enhancing skills related to artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and the dissemination of digital educational resources.

Situated in the Daedeok Science Area in Daejeon, Korea, KISTI stands as a premier international research institute supported by the South Korean government. Renowned for its expertise in science and technology information, KISTI plays a pivotal role in advancing research infrastructure, cybersecurity, and data-driven analytics.

Dr. Ameenah Farhan, Director General of KFAS, remarked, “As the world moves forward into the era of digital transformation, spanning from big data sciences and supercomputing to quantum computing, KFAS and KISTI announce their partnership through this MOU, demonstrating collaboration between a prominent institute in science and technology information (KISTI) and a facilitating STI foundation (KFAS). This initiative will pave the way for a collaborative future for both Kuwait and South Korea, fostering increased cooperation in mutual activities and programs for the advancement of STI.”

Echoing this sentiment, Dr. Jaesoo Kim, President of KISTI, emphasized the significance of the memorandum in nurturing “digital capabilities in areas such as S&T Data, artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, and digital transformation and to nurture the future human resources in STEM. This MOU is expected to contribute to developing digital capabilities and research abilities with KFAS, as well as R&D cooperation and the spread of scientific and technological knowledge in artificial intelligence and digital transformation.”

بقلم: ماجد المنيفي Majed Al Munefi

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