Dasman Diabetes Institute Wins the UN Interagency Task Force on Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases

After careful consideration by the UN Interagency Task Force on prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and in recognition of the continuous efforts of the Dasman Diabetes Institute – one of the centers of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) – it has been selected to receive the prestigious international award for 2021. This award is the result of months of tireless work with the Ministry of Health to develop a national diabetes registry, as well as the Institute’s remarkable contributions to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and its related complications, as well as obesity.
The announcement of the Institute’s winning of this important award, is an addition to the rich balance of honors, awards and achievements that it has accomplished, was made recently during the meeting of the working groups on the occasion of the convening of the United Nations General Assembly.
من جانبه، أعرب الدكتور قيس الدويري، المدير العام لمعهد دسمان للسكري، عن فخره لفوز المعهد بهذه الجائزة، قائلاً: “هذه الجائزة هي وسام دولي آخر يحرزه المعهد، وهذه الجائزة تحثنا على أن نطمح ونسعى إلى بذل المزيد؛ لأن نبذل قصارى جهدنا وكل ما لدينا من طاقة وخبرات لإحراز مزيد من التقدم في المجالات الطبية والبحثية والتوعوية لما يحقق النفع لوطننا الحبيب”.
وأضاف الدكتور الدويري “أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأعبر عن جزيل امتناننا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية لثقتهم في المعهد ولشراكتهم معنا، وكذلك جزيل الشكر للدكتور خالد الفاضل، المدير العام لمؤسسة الكويت للتقدم العلمي وأعضاء مجلس إدارتها على دعم المؤسسة والتمويل المستمر الذي تقدمه للمعهد منذ تأسيسه وحتى اليوم، وللدعم الذي تقدمه المؤسسة لدفع عجلة العلم والبحث والتطوير”.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Institute has made great progress, especially in the field of research and the publication of a large number of studies in prestigious international journals and in cooperation with leading institutions in the world, where the Institute pays most of its attention to scientific research, but this goes hand in hand with the services it provides, such as treatment in various specialties of complications of diabetes, awareness and training at an advanced and integrated level.

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