Digital Transformationtechnology

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is one of the main pillars of The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences’ (KFAS) new strategy, it drives many of its activities. In this issue, we feature Dr. Abdullah Almutawa, who has made a career using his knowledge of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the medical field.

KFAS also organized a STEM trip sending a group of students to South Korea to visit prestigious South Korean and International organizations like the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), and Dankook University. The programs focused on the cutting-edge fields of artificial intelligence and virtual reality implementations.

As for the college level, KFAS organized the Entrepreneurship Hackathon through Virtual Reality Technology (Metaverse) competition in cooperation with the Gulf University of Science and Technology and leading Singaporean educational technology companies. The main aim of the hackathon was to develop and refine the digital skills of young people and enable them to find solutions to modern challenges.

In its efforts to advocate the conservation of nature and biodiversity and implement the Environmental Pillar, the Scientific Center Kuwait (TSCK), one KFAS’ centers, made a first-of-its-kind achievement with the successful breeding of the endangered Sand Tiger Shark. KFAS also funded exploring new ways to conserve turtles, harnessing the power of modern satellite trackers.

Funding research remains at KFAS’ core. Inspired by the spirit of scientific innovation in Boston, Kuwaiti neuroscientist Shaikhah Alshuaib wanted to shape the future of neuroimaging. Funding from KFAS helped her do it. Now, she is working on a neuroimaging-based Ph.D. research project with significant implications for the future of medicine and our understanding of the human brain.

Dr. Layla Al-Musawi

Executive Editor

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