The Beginning of an Extraordinary Journey

علَّمني هذا الصيفُ أن العلم يتجاوز النظريات والتجارب؛ يتعلق الأمرُ بالروح الجماعية والأشخاص الذين يجلبون هذه الأفكار إلى الحياة. عندما كنتُ طالباً في الصف العاشر، كانت زيارتي لمعرض مصادم الهادرونات الكبير التابع للمنظمة الأوروبية للأبحاث النووية (اختصاراً: سيرن CERN) والمُقام في جامعة الكويت أكثرَ من مجرد رحلة ميدانية؛ إذ كانت بداية رحلة مدهشة. فافتتاني بتكنولوجيا الكم والفيزياء الذي ظل حتى حينذاك مجردَ اهتمام شخصي اتخذ منعطفاً غير متوقَّعٍ في الربيع الماضي. وقد قادني هذا التحوُّل إلى فرصة غيرت حياتي – عندما قدَّمتُ طلبَ الالتحاق بالدورة الصيفية في سيرن، حيث ستتاح لي فرصةُ المساهمة في التجارب التي تُعيد تعريف فَهمنا كلَّ يوم عند الهبوط في مطار جنيف، غمرتني موجةٌ من البهجة، فقد كنت على وشك توسيع آفاقي في علوم الحاسوب، والفيزياء، والبحث، والتنمية الشخصية. وتحت إشراف الدكتور فواز العازمي، سرعان ما تبدَّدت مخاوفي من المهام المقبلة، وحلَّ محلها شعورٌ بالحماس. تضمَّن مشروعي الأول تطويرَ اختبارات لأربع طرق اتصال لواجهة تمرير الرسائل (MPI).

This task went beyond mere coding; it was a deep dive into the intricacies of parallel computing. I learned the value of clear code and thorough documentation, especially crucial in a large scientific collaboration where my work could influence numerous researchers. The transition into July signaled new opportunities, like the 13th PataTrack Hackathon. This event emphasized collaboration over competition. Here, I delved into employing kernels using Compute United Device Architecture (CUDA), aiming to make them more accessible by adapting these test cases to Alpaka. This effort showcased the importance of inclusive technology. The apex of my internship was the integration of these projects to test various methods of operating remote GPUs. The complexity and intensity of this task were counterbalanced by the immense satisfaction it brought, often leading me to work late into the night out of pure passion and love for the project.

However, my experience at CERN transcended the technical realm. Joining the CERN soccer club was not just about playing a sport; it opened doors to forming relationships. The relationships on the field evolved into friendships and a supportive network in the professional sphere. Interacting with other interns, particularly those from the MENA region, enriched this experience, fostering a sense of community that went beyond mere project collaboration. These bonds were rooted in our shared passion for research and discovery.

CERN’s lectures and resources were a treasure that expanded my knowledge and inspiration. Engaging in discussions about the latest in particle physics and attending seminars on the latest technology enriched my understanding of the scientific world. This wealth of information, combined with the mentorship I received, profoundly shaped my approach to research and problem-solving.
Reflecting on my internship’s conclusion, I recognized how each step, from my initial intrigue by the exhibition at Kuwait University to the hands-on experience at CERN, was pivotal in pursuing my dream. My summer at CERN was not just an internship; it was a voyage of discovery and personal growth. It solidified my passion for computer science and connected me with a global community dedicated to unraveling the universe’s mysteries.
This summer taught me that science transcends theories and experiments; it’s about the collective spirit and the people who bring these ideas to life, continually pushing us to explore the unknown. A special thanks to KFAS and CERN for making this journey possible.

بقلم: ماجد المنيفي Majed Al Munefi

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